Sundance Property Management is accomplished within Sundance Realty & Management Inc. Sundance is licensed by the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA), as an independent, regulated, real estate brokerage.

Sundance Property Management is growing and currently manages dozens of commercial properties representing over 650,000 square feet of Industrial, mixed-use, retail, warehouse, and office real estate properties. We utilize licensed realtors and property managers to provide value to its property owner customers.  In addition, all property management financial transactions and financial reporting are overseen by a designated Chartered Public Accountant.

Sundance Property Management is focused on delivering value to its property owner customers through 3 key values: 

  1. Quality facility management,
  2. Quality tenant relationships, and
  3. Quality owner reporting that emphasizes transparency and completeness.

Quality Facility Management

The team at Sundance appreciates the trust that its owner customers place in it as it manages their valuable real estate assets.

Timely attention to the details of each owner’s property preserves its value and can optimize its curb appeal and attractiveness to existing and future business tenants.  Just as the saying goes ‘a stich in time saves nine’, early intervention in preventative maintenance can extend the lifespan of physical and mechanical property assets.

At Sundance, the team knows that managed properties deserve on-site observation.  It is difficult to replace ‘boots on the ground’ attention.

While a thoughtful preventative maintenance program delivers good value to property owners, Sundance knows that every dollar spent on a property, should be managed as if it was their own.  To this end, Sundance develops professional relationships with vetted, local, and regional, contractors to deliver a variety of services to the properties it manages.  Whether the service required is snow removal, on site security services, or periodic parking lot repair, Sundance’s contractors are held to a high standard of quality, timeliness, and value.

Quality facility management preserves and enhances the value of each owner’s commercial property asset.

Quality Tenant Relationships

Each commercial tenant, leasing a unit from our property owners, is seeking to operate a successful business.  The Sundance team understands that our function is to deliver a quality experience to each of these tenant customers.

Tenant customers appreciate Sundance’s attention to any maintenance concerns.

Sundance property management, matched with our owners’ valuable property assets provide places where a tenant’s employees are productive, and their customers feel welcome.  Delivering quality tenant experiences reduces vacancy, turnover, and maximizes each property’s long term financial returns.

Quality Owner Reporting

Each commercial property owner deserves to know what is going on with their property.

Sundance property management provides a series of regularly scheduled reports that detail facility condition inspections, results of scheduled and ad hoc preventative maintenance efforts.

In addition to scheduled reporting, property owners benefit from project reporting that contains elements such as project objectives, contractor engagement information, before and after photos, quote to actual comparisons, and warranty and maintenance information.

Financial budgeting and reporting deliverables provide information on owner budgets, CAC budgets, budgets to actual, CAC reconciliations, owner distributions, bank balances, and property profit and loss statements


    Working with Sundance Property Management, I appreciate their professional approach to the management of my property. Additionally, the financial reporting provided is concise and accurate, such that it can be relied upon in making decisions in respect of my property. Each month a detailed income statement and up-to-date balance sheet is provided which makes monitoring financial performance a quick and efficient process.

    – Dan S. / RTS Services Inc.